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ITL: updates to ireminder.pl
- To: developer at arabeyes dot org
- Subject: ITL: updates to ireminder.pl
- From: Ahmed El-Mahmoudy <aelmahmoudy at users dot sourceforge dot net>
- Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 17:35:47 +0000
- User-agent: Mutt/
as-salamu alaykom,
I did few changes to ireminder.pl, I hope they are ok.
The changes are:
1. It can now play azan files (using toxine, that can be changed
by editing the $playcmd and $playfile)
2. It first searches for ipraytime in users $PATH variable before
giving up (that's for the case the user doesn't state in command
line where to find ipraytime).
3. It displays "brief" output of ipraytime just once before entering
the for(;;) loop, that is controlled by "--brief" command line option.
4. It displays reminder in GUI (using zenity).
The file is attached with this email.
was-salamu alaykom...
# $Id: ireminder.pl,v 1.4 2004/08/18 22:09:16 nadim Exp $
# ------------
# Description:
# ------------
# Copyright (c) 2004, Arabeyes, Nadim Shaikli
# This is a prayer (and other Islamic events) reminder program.
# Its a wrapper that uses Arabeyes.org's ITL package (ipraytime
# to be specific) to attain all its values. The script is meant
# to be light, simple and flexible.
# Based on a concept/idea from
# - Ahmed El-Mahmoudy (aelmahmoudy -at- users sf net)
# -----------------
# Revision Details: (Updated by Revision Control System)
# -----------------
# $Date: 2004/08/18 22:09:16 $
# $Author: nadim $
# $Revision: 1.4 $
# $Source: /home/arabeyes/cvs/projects/itl/programs/itools/ireminder.pl,v $
# (www.arabeyes.org - under GPL license)
# - have it fork in the background if a similar process doesn't already
# exist else kill the other process post a confirm (optionally)
# - have it print to the console not stdout (optionally)
# - clean-up the sound/bell stuff
# - have it be able to play reminder and Azan sounds (optionally)
# - have it spawn a GUI reminder/now dialogs (optionally)
use Getopt::Long;
use FileHandle;
# Specify global variable values and init some Variables
$in_script = $0;
$in_script =~ s|^.*/([^/]*)|$1|;
# for azan sound (aelmahmoudy):
$playcmd="toxine -A oss -V none -I -i -o/dev/null -e \"play $playfile;waitfor status STOP; quit\"";
# Find how many spaces the scripts name takes up (nicety)
$in_spaces = $in_script;
$in_spaces =~ s/\S/ /g;
$version = " (v - %I%)";
# Process the command line
# Make it simple, does user need help ?
if ($opt{help}) { &help(); }
# Account for the various ways a user might enter a list
%opt = %{&listify_input(\%opt, "skip")};
%opt = %{&listify_input(\%opt, "reminder")};
$ipraytime = $opt{ipraytime} || "ipraytime";
@reminders = @{$opt{reminder}} ? @{$opt{reminder}} : ( 1, 5, 10, 20);
if (!-x $ipraytime)
#search for ipraytime in path first (aelmahmoudy):
my @paths = split(':',$ENV{"PATH"});
foreach my $path (@paths){
if ( -x "$path/ipraytime") {
$ipraytime = "$path/ipraytime";
if (!-x $ipraytime){
die "$ID ERROR - can't find $ipraytime \n";
# Print brief prayertimes for first time only, then fork (aelmahmoudy):
if ($opt{brief}) { print `$ipraytime -b`; }
if(fork()) { exit; }
# Enumerate the events we'll track and report on
$ID = "[$in_script]";
$DAY_TOT_SEC = (24 * 60 * 60);
@EVENTS = (qw/imsaak fajr shorooq zuhr asr maghrib isha/);
# Set some defaults
$doing_2moro = 0;
$time_to_use = time();
# Continuously cycle through
for (;;)
# Get current start time
$ref_time_used = &get_time($time_to_use);
%time_used = %{$ref_time_used};
# Specify date to get info on
$date_to_use = sprintf( "%d%02d%02d",
$time_used{day} );
# Run the actual program executable and process its output
$ref_today_events = &get_ipraytime($date_to_use);
%today_events = %{$ref_today_events};
# Cycle through all the prayers (and events)
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#EVENTS; $i++)
# Skip any events a user might have noted on the command-line
if ( defined $opt{skip} )
foreach my $option (@{$opt{skip}})
# Make sure to make the compare case insensitive
if ( uc($option) eq uc($EVENTS[$i]) )
$skip_event = 1;
# If a skip-hit occured, cycle out of the for loop
if ($skip_event)
$skip_event = 0;
# Determine current time's placement within event times
$before_last = ( ($time_used{hour} <
$today_events{$EVENTS[$#EVENTS]}{hour}) ||
(($time_used{hour} ==
$today_events{$EVENTS[$#EVENTS]}{hour}) &&
($time_used{min} <
$today_events{$EVENTS[$#EVENTS]}{min})) );
$after_current = ( ($time_used{hour} >
$today_events{$EVENTS[$i]}{hour}) ||
(($time_used{hour} ==
$today_events{$EVENTS[$i]}{hour}) &&
($time_used{min} >=
$today_events{$EVENTS[$i]}{min})) );
# If we are dealing with next day (upon start), cycle through
if (!$before_last && !$doing_2moro) { last; }
# Skip the past while making sure we didn't go over
if ($before_last && $after_current)
# If I'm here, then its immaterial which day I'm dealing with
$doing_2moro = 0;
# See how many seconds we have left till next prayer
if ($before_last)
# Get time difference between prayer and wallclock time
$sec_diff = ( $today_events{$EVENTS[$i]}{tot_sec} -
$time_used{tot_sec} );
# Dealing with next day prayer
# - Get portion of day left in today + tomorrow's
$sec_diff = ( ($DAY_TOT_SEC - $time_used{tot_sec}) +
$today_events{$EVENTS[$i]}{tot_sec} );
# Account for the reminder time and the time delta seconds
$sec_sleep = ( $sec_diff - $time_used{sec} );
# Tell user what to expect next
$str = "$ID NOTE - Next event '$EVENTS[$i]' is at ";
$str .= "$today_events{$EVENTS[$i]}";
# Sort numerically descending
foreach $reminder (sort {$b <=> $a} @reminders)
$sec_reminder = ( $reminder * 60 );
if ($sec_sleep < $sec_reminder)
$sec_sleep -= $sec_reminder;
# Take a nap and wait :-)
$sec_sleep = $sec_reminder;
# Take a nap and wait (without reminders :-)
&do_alarm($EVENTS[$i], \%today_events);
# Establish new time for next prayer
# - This is opted for instead of accounting for passed sec's
$ref_time_used = &get_time(time());
%time_used = %{$ref_time_used};
# Cycle through & advance calc 1 day forward (ie. look at next day)
$time_to_use = ( time() + $DAY_TOT_SEC );
$doing_2moro = 1;
### ###
######## Procedures ########
### ###
# Print on screen passed-in string
sub display
my ($string) = @_;
# Do some clean-up and backtrack per use command-line directives
if ($opt{inplace})
print "\r";
print " " x 78;
print "\r";
print $string;
# display on GUI (aelmahmoudy):
system("zenity --info --text=\"$string\" &");
if (!$opt{inplace})
print "\n";
# Adjust user input to end-up with a proper array
sub listify_input
my ($ref_in_opt,
$in_str) = @_;
my (
%in_opt = %{$ref_in_opt};
@in_arr = @{$in_opt{$in_str}};
# Make sure to accept for instance,
# 1. -skip one -skip two
# 2. -skip "one two"
# 3. -skip "one, two"
foreach my $string (@in_arr)
if ($string =~ /\s+/)
my @sub_string = split(/[,]*\s+/, $string);
push (@mod_arr, @sub_string);
push (@mod_arr, $string);
$in_opt{$in_str} = \ at mod_arr;
# Populate time hash/struct using the passed-in time value
sub get_time
my ($in_time) = @_;
my (
# seconds, minutes, hours, day, month, year, day.week, day.year, DST
$tm{dst}) = localtime($in_time);
# Some reability corrections
$tm{month} = ($tm{month} + 1);
$tm{year} = (1900 + $tm{year});
# Set some needed values
$tm{tot_min} = ($tm{min} + (60 * $tm{hour}));
$tm{tot_sec} = (60 * $tm{tot_min});
# Populate event hash/struct based on ipraytime's output using date passed-in
sub get_ipraytime
my ($in_date) = @_;
my (
if (defined $in_date)
$aux = "--date $in_date ";
@out_ipray = `$ipraytime $aux`;
# Date Fajr Shorooq Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
# [22-07-2004] 5:22 6:50 13:27 16:43 20:04 21:34
#Today's Imsaak : 5:17
foreach my $line (@out_ipray)
# Remove the carriage returns
# Find the proper line to process
if ($line =~ /\[\d+-\d+-\d+\]/)
@entries = split (/\s\s+/, $line);
$ipray{fajr} = $entries[1];
$ipray{shorooq} = $entries[2];
$ipray{zuhr} = $entries[3];
$ipray{asr} = $entries[4];
$ipray{maghrib} = $entries[5];
$ipray{isha} = $entries[6];
# Grab today's imsaak time
if ($line =~ /^Today.*Imsaak\s*:\s*(\d+:\d+)\s*/)
$ipray{imsaak} = $1;
# Get the total number of seconds for each prayer and event
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#EVENTS; $i++)
@times = split(/\:/, $ipray{$EVENTS[$i]});
$ipray{$EVENTS[$i]}{hour} = $times[0];
$ipray{$EVENTS[$i]}{min} = $times[1];
$ipray{$EVENTS[$i]}{tot_min} = ($ipray{$EVENTS[$i]}{min} +
(60 * $ipray{$EVENTS[$i]}{hour}));
$ipray{$EVENTS[$i]}{tot_sec} = (60 * $ipray{$EVENTS[$i]}{tot_min});
# Return the newly populated hash/structure
return (\%ipray);
# Trigger a reminder
sub do_reminder
my ($in_name,
$in_rem) = @_;
my (
%event_struct = %{$ref_event_struct};
$name = ucfirst($in_name);
# Take a nap and wait
# See if a reminder note is warranted
if ($in_rem > 0)
if ($in_name eq "imsaak")
$str = "Fasting is to commence ($event_struct{$in_name})";
if ($in_name eq "shorooq")
$str = "Salat Al-Fajr expires ($event_struct{$in_name})";
$str = "Salat Al-$name ($event_struct{$in_name})";
&display("$ID REMINDER - $str in $in_rem minutes !!");
# Trigger an alarm
sub do_alarm
my ($in_name,
$ref_event_struct) = @_;
my (
$name = ucfirst($in_name);
%event_struct = %{$ref_event_struct};
$num_rings = 4;
if ($in_name eq "imsaak")
$str = "to start your Fast";
if ($in_name eq "shorooq")
$str = "notes passing of Salat Al-Fajr";
$str = "for Salat Al-$name";
&display("$ID $event_struct{$in_name} - Time NOW $str !!");
for(my $i = 0; $i < $num_rings; $i++)
# Play a sound file (if possible) else gimme a beep :-)
sub play_sound
print "\a";
# Play azan at salat time. (aelmahmoudy)
sub play_azan
if(fork() == 0) {
chdir '/';
open STDIN, '/dev/null';
open STDOUT, '>/dev/null';
open STDERR, '>&STDOUT';
sleep(300); #sleep for 5 mins (I don't expect next event to be before 5 mins).
# this is to cleanup any defunct fork'ed processes soon enough.
# Print short usage info
sub usage
my ($die_after) = @_;
print qq
|Usage: $in_script [-ipraytime path]
$in_spaces [-skip event_name]
$in_spaces [-reminder minutes]
$in_spaces [-inplace]
$in_spaces [-help]
if ( $die_after ) { exit(5); }
# Print one-liner help
sub help
print qq|
-> remind user visually and via audio of Islamic prayer times & misc events
[-ipraytime path] : Specify the executable path to program
[-skip event_name] : Specify name of prayer/event to skip (list ok)
[-reminder minutes] : Specify prior to how many minutes to remind (list ok)
[-inplace] : Specify to print output in-place (without scrolling)
[-help] : Produce this help screen
# Get the command line arguments
sub get_args
\%opt, # Hash to store all input options in
"ipraytime=s", # specify the binary ipraytime executable
"skip=s@", # array'ed list of skip events
"reminder=s@", # array'ed list of reminder times (minutes)
"inplace", # specify to print in-place outputs (no scroll)
"brief", #display brief output of ipraytime (only once before for(;;)) (aelmahmoudy)
"help", # print a brief help screen
) || ( $? = 257, die"$ID ERROR - Invalid argument\n" );