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Re: Final Patch Inclusion ?

--- ahmad khalifa <ahmadkhalifa at hotmail dot com> wrote:
> i have done some modifications on simon's patch and commited
> to cvs the new patch is here:
>   http://cvs.arabeyes.org/viewcvs/projects/external/putty/
> this patch is the end (hopefully) of Phase-1.

Simon/Owen, et al - make sure to grab version-1.6 (or higher)
of the patch.

> i added CP-1256 support, which complicated the shaping code a bit, so
> i'll keep that CP-1256 code (and CP-1255) only in putty's patch

I've tested both the UTF-8 support (which is as good as ever) as well
as the CP-1256 support which also functions well.  As noted, I'm not
a fan of CP-1256 (I'd love to see this encoding simply disappear :-),
but I had to test nonetheless (as noted - it works fine).  I'd like to
reiterate that we should, in the future, only concentrate on UTF-8
functionality and leave CP-1256 be since now its at a minimum visually

> now, arabeyes Testers where are you ?? we need to test CP-1256 and
> CP-1255 support. all that looked fine to me.
> the new .exe is here (with cp-1256)
>   http://www.toomuchcookies.net/~arabeyes/putty-6.7.exe

I second that - UTF-8 and CP-1256 are good to go.  So when can we
expect to see the patch included in PuTTY's CVS ?  That would indeed
signal end of Phase-1 to us leading to a celebration :-)

Lastly, any comments/thoughts/ideas on the previously mailed "phases"
(this is specific to Simon as most of the points require his expertise).
We'd love to get a general idea on a time-line on when/how to address
those issues so that we can internally better plan our time and projects.


 - Nadim

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