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Re: quran phonetic search screenshot

Mohammed Yousif writes:

> Salam,
> I didn't see it yet but here are my comments:
> you take the arabic xml and transliterate it, and then you search on
> the transliterated xml.
> I don't sure I understand it well, but if it is like the above then why
> not searching on the transliterated xml the ordinary way? What benefit
> we get by searching that way?

walaikum alsalam.  the reason for this is because the
transliteration does not take into account tajweed and
translates some vowels differently than they'd be pronounced. 
as thus, i take out the vowels to result in more accurate

> I suggest you extend your application to be a client for libquran so
> others can be interested in using it

i already did - the webpage contains a fully working version of
the application using libquran... as for putting the search into
libquran itslef, most probably best idea would be just to have
an algorithm to modify the strings and use the existing search.

by the way, did you get that email sent to you about the
discrepencies in the arabic version of the xml files?

jazakAllah khair.
walsalam alaikum.
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