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libquran - arabic xml read this instead

salam alaikum.
i've done some more reasearch and i think i want to reword my
question some...

basically the program i had converted the first ayat of surat
Al-Fatiha given the given arabic xml files to...
Bismi Allhi Alrrahmn Alrrahiemi

examining this.. there are a few problems.

Allhi should be Allahi.. it is not, because there is no fatha on the
shaddah on the lam... its just a lam with a shaddah.. not a lam with
a shaddah and a fatha... (versus the r in rahman/raheem, which has
a shaddah AND a fatha.. hence repeated and an 'a' after it)

Alrrahmn should be Alrrahmani... missing the small alif between the 
meem and the noon (which would add the 'a'), and the kasra on the noon 
in the xml files...

Alrrahiemi -- this should be Alrraheemi, but i can fix that, that's my
job to fix i guess.

and as for the fact that its Bismi Allahi instead of Bismillahi, i figure
things like this will be taken care of by the algorithm that searches
this so this won't end up a problem really (but could be fixed if i wanted
to go through and join the letters as they would be in tajweed reading).

so about the other two errors... which are a result of missing tashkeel
in the arabic xml files... can someone tell me:
1. why are they missing and can we add them back?
2. anyone have any suggestions for how i can deal with this... are there
   a set of rules i can go by?

jazakumAllah khairan,
walsalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatuh