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RE:Duali Status

Encoding: UTF-8

-- Mohammed Elzubeir -- [Snip]:
>This is kind of a status report on Duali.
>The amount of time dedicated to Duali has been anything but consistent,
>and so I will try to sum up the difficulties I have been facing in the
>hopes that someone may be able to enlighten me ;)

Assalamou Alaikom.
I've been so excited about this project since I knew what it really is.
Actually, I've ignored it for some time, because I didn't know (and
for some reason didn't even have the motivation to know about it).

Anyway, I once had an idea in mind mind:"Why wouldn't there be an
Arabic spell checker, which doesn't know but the *root* words and
can know the derivates of it?". I realized that the idea of Duali
is excatly what I have in mind :)

So, I am so excited about this project, and wish I had the time to
contribute on it, but I already am working on recording the audio
files for the Qur'an project, and finalizing the full_wordlist.po

Now, I have a small book that I bought (around 200 pages) which I
strongly recommend who ever is working on Duali project, to keep
it and reference it, and I'm sure it will be the right book.
It's name is: Al-Tatbeeq Al-Sarfi (التطبيق الصرفي) written by
Dr. Abdo Al-Rajhi. And here is a quick list of it's contents:
(This has to be Arabic)

Begin -- UTF-8 Arabic --
* الصرف وميدانه
* الميزان الصرفي
* القلب المكاني
** الباب الأول: في الأفعال والمشتقات
* الصحيح والمعتل
* المجرد والمزيد
* إسناد الأفعال إلى الضمائر
* توكيد الفعل بالنون
* المصادر
* المشتقات
* في التعجب والتفضيل
** الباب الثاني: في الأسماء
* في تقسيم الإسم إلى صحيح ومقصور وممدود
* في جمع التكسير
* التصغير
* النسب
** الباب الثالث: في الإعلال والإبدال
* الفتح والإمالة
* موانع الإمالة
* الوقف
* الإدغام
End -- UTF-8 Arabic --

As you see, there are *only* the main titles for the sections
of the book. You have all the details (I guess) of Arabic forms
that would be great for *almost* a complete Arabic spell checker
and maybe later, and syntax and/or grammar checker.

Finally, what I need to know is, who of our dear Arabeyes
developers would benifit from this book, to continue working on
the Duali project, and I hope later I will have the time to help
him on working with it too.

Please provide me with a mailing address so I can send it by
postal mail ASAP, if someone is interested in this great event.

Ossama Khayat