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Re: Encoding the Holy Koran into Unicode

At 10:45 am +0100 8/4/03, Munzir Taha wrote:
>2. Why not considering porting your program to linux as a commercial project.
>If it's programmed with Java which is cross-platform it should work out of
>the box or may need some tweaking, right?
>Otherwise we could consider doing it ourselves with your supervision in a way
>that won't cause harm to you from a commercial point of view. We have to
>discuss it also.

Diwan has created a Java version of its Unicode Quran - you can see this on http://mushaf.diwan.com. This will run on any platform that support Java 1.4. With the exception of Mac OS X as Apple, in their infinite wisdom, decided to deal with fonts in an incompatible way.

The application is split into two parts. A server and a browsers. The browser is very lightweight. It only provides a user interface to the server. The server queries a SQL database that contains Diwan Unicode encoding, renders the results and sends these to the browser. With the browser you can search the full text of the Quran which should show that the text is (to quote Mete) encoded in graphemes (base letters of a language), not allographs (variants of a letter).

The essential aim of Diwan is that browsing should be free while version that can print would be charged for. We can discuss putting this on your releases of Linux.

At 10:45 am +0100 8/4/03, Munzir Taha wrote:
>Finally, I suggest you subscribe to the developer list so you can post there.
>I've forwarded your last mail in behalf of you.

I am a member now :-)


Adil Allawi
Technical Director   Diwan Software Ltd