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Re: Encoding the Holy Koran into Unicode


From: Munzir Taha
Subject: Re: Encoding the Holy Koran into Unicode
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 13:14:43 +0300

If we need some standardization it's in the area of pushing the Unicode
Consortium to accept the proposals by Mr Adil, Roozbeh, Behdad and the
others. Instead of wasting their time considering adding a heart or spade
dots over and under letters, Quran ligatures and characters need more

Well, I believe that people are free to decide on which field they want to work and __spend__ (not waste) their time on. You just can't "oblige" them to work on something that you think is better (I know you are not obliging anyone to work on anything, but it's just the same when you use the word "waste"). Even if I share the opinion that coding Quran's signs into Unicode is __very important__.

Besides, I hope that you understood that "hearts in Unicode" was just an April 1st's joke :-)


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