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Re: [I18n]bdftruncate again ;)

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 09:48:45AM -0800, Brian Stell wrote:
> Unicode is designed to be a character set and encoding
> but not a glyph encoding. For example the character 'A'
> has one charset (and encoding) point but could have a
> bold glyph, italic glyph, or san-serif glyph if a font
> so wished.
> A particular Arabic character may need different glyphs 
> depending on what surrounds it: 
>  glyph for the first letter in a word
>  glyph for a letter in the middle of a word
>  glyph for a letter at the end of a word
>  glyph for a letter that is a single letter word
> Thus the Unicode value for the character does not
> by itself indicate which glyph to use. Either the
> app or the drawing code must address this to get
> correct display.

When was it implied that we are using the Unicode as a
glyph encoding? Show me any font (other than 10x20)
that has all the Arabic glyphs and this whole argument
would be closed.

| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
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