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Re: TODOs web applications
- To: core at arabeyes dot org
- Subject: Re: TODOs web applications
- From: "Youcef Rabah Rahal" <yrrahal42 at hotmail dot com>
- Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2003 15:09:13 +0200
You can test the Arabeyes Todolist here:
Just login with your usual Arabeyes WWW username/pass. Remember not to put
'serious' Todos there, because this todolist is now connected to a test
database, that I regularly empty for a reason or another.
This todolist will be available (to be discussed with Mohammed) whenever a
registered user logs in Arabeyes' Website, as a feature, like the 'Logout'
or 'the 'Preferences' links for ex.
Each user has his own todolist (invisible from other users), and a todolist
for each project (visible only for that project's contributors).
For each project, the contributors can decide or not to make todos visible
in the project's webpage (feature yet to be implemented in each project's
Only contributors with a certain access level (in fact only the project's
admin) can delete todos, but they can tag them as 'Put in Trash 'so the
project's admin can delete them if it's ok. Otherwise, everyone is able to
delete their private todos. There are still some questions like: "should
anybody inside a project be able to assign or update todos except the
project admin?"...
I added some todos there for the sake of testing. Feel free to
add/remove/update whatever you want. Again, don't put definitive things yet
What do you think about this little app ?
I couldn't hack the existing todolist apps in order to fit them with our
setting (mainly the database). My PHP/MySQL knowledge was inexistant ;-)
However, I learned many things this last week !!!
Waiting for your suggestions/remarks/questions etc,
Jouez avec MSN Messenger et gagnez des voyages et des XBox !