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Translators Rating System

Here is some of the thoughts I had in mind .. I did not think of how much 
applicable they are yet ..
The whole thing is about "hall of fame" for translators .. put in mind that 
translators are causal Users .. looking to be something more .. the 
recognition by having the active members names put in the translation project 
page as "Active Translator(s) of the Month" .. this way casual machines will 
not keep having 1st places after leaving .. it will be a monthly thing .. 
nothing more than having the name .. 
About how it would be evaluated .. the most easy way is the number of commits, 
with urging the translators to commit often (no let leave 2 hours work 
Implementation is not that hard .. it will be about counting the commits for a 
month .. a very simple SQL query I guess.. right now inactive translators 
(such as me and mosawi) are in the top of the commiters list in the 
people.php .. while other translators had been more active for the last 3 
months .. they need to be recognized to work more hard .. and when opening 
the change for people people to get recognized we can get recrewment in the 
bases or real recognition ..
Have in mind who would be interested in translation...

thoughts thrown in here.. needs alot of polishing .. but hopfully helps ..

Isam Bayazidi