Subject Index -
- [Bug 124] Katoob doesn't support Java Modified UTF-8 Format
[Bug 126] qtquran-0.041 struct quran conflict
[Bug 162] FreeBSD port of duali 0.2.0 broken
[Bug 173] RTL support for Wiki
[Bug 174] New: request CVS account to start drupal translation project
[Bug 174] request CVS account to start drupal translation project
[Bug 175] New: requesting CVS account to help in drupal translation
[Bug 175] requesting CVS account to help in drupal translation
[Bug 176] New: Requesting CVS account
[Bug 176] Requesting CVS account
[Bug 177] wiki not sending user data to email
[Bug 178] Requesting a CVS access
[Bug 179] CVS access to translate Drupal.
[Bug 179] New: CVS access to translate Drupal.
[Bug 180] asking for a CVS account to help in translating drupal
[Bug 180] New: asking for a CVS account to help in translating drupal
[Bug 181] New: seven bugs as a package.
[Bug 182] New: request CVS account to help in drupal translation
[Bug 182] request CVS account to help in drupal translation
[Bug 183] Need dates on all documents (esp. XML->HTML auto-generated one)
[Bug 183] New: Need dates on all documents (esp. XML->HTML auto-generated one)
[Bug 184] CVS write access and arabic CVS document.
[Bug 184] New: CVS write access and arabic CVS document.
[Bug 185] New: No Write access
[Bug 185] No Write access
[Bug 186] CVS account account kaza
[Bug 186] New: CVS account account kaza
[Bug 47] qtquran segmentation fault at runtime on Red Hat 9
[Bug 9] if /dev/dsp busy qtquran exits
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