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Re: PHP module for elections


On Wed, 22 Sep 2004 22:29:45 -0700 (PDT), Nadim Shaikli wrote:
>>> - - The candidates are to be selected from the available accounts
>>> (list set by the core team members only).
>> on a permanent basis like a property of the member: canvote or is it
>> on a vote-by-vote basis??
> No, the idea is the candidates will change from one election to the next.
> What Youcef was trying to describe is the need to select people from a
> list to "set them" as candidates from the already available active CVS
> account holders.
>>> - - List of candidates available publicly.
>>> - - Only (logged) users with a CVS commit less than xx days can vote.
>> What about the list the core team sets? which method should be used to
>> determine whether a specific user can vote?
> The idea here is that the person should have had some CVS activity in the
> past X days (initial thoughts put that X at about the previous 3 months).

Now i'm confused: the now-core selects from a list of persons (who have had
cvs-activity in the last x) some candidates. Is anybody able to vote then or is
it also limited to the ones that have had cvs-activity?

please make sure to make the difference between voters und votee (? voted-fors)

> Well, its more complicated than that.  We'll have 5+ candidates of which
> we'll elect 5 members, yet each voter can vote once per person as long as
> his/her votes don't exceed 5.  In other words, let's say we have 10 people
> who are running for elections, only 5 can be elected.  Each voter will be
> given the chance to pick 5 different people and so he/she will be allowed
> to cast 1 vote for each of the 5 people he/she chooses (less is OK too, so
> if the voter only wants to vote for 3 people that should be OK).
> Note: once a voting session takes place the voter looses his chance to change
> or alter or augment his vote.  So if I vote today for the 3 candidates
> I like, I will not be able to vote for the remaining 2 tomorrow since
> I only get 1 voting session per election.

So the voter goes in, selects his choices (up to 5) and once he clicks on
"submit", he can't add anything to them. That's even easier.
Will the voter be voting for 5 different functions? What i mean: Do you get to
say, i want Omar to be President (:-)), Nadim vice and so forth, or is it just 5
completely equal core-personell?

>>> - - Votes are to happen only in a limited period (period set by the
>>> core team members only).
>>> - - Results available publicly after a certain date.
>> These settings are always the same or need they to be changed from vote to
>> vote?
> We can make them the same - whatever is easier.

let's see.

> Do please make sure to submit patches against the www code in CVS
> (diff -u file.orig file.new >> my_patch) and make sure _not_ to do
> this on windows (else run dos2unix :-)

I'll try my best. :)

Omar Abo-Namous, merlin12345 at gmx dot de on 23.09.2004