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Re: Small Alef (was Re: Standalone Superscript Alef (Item 8))

On Saturday 26 June 2004 11:51, Thomas Milo wrote:
> Dear Mohammed,
> Please consult a Qur'anic scholar yourself and put to him the questions:
> 1. If one removes the fatha's from /qaala/, does that change the meaning of
> the alif?
> 2. if one removes the fatha and kasra from /dhaalika/, does that change the
> meaning of the small alif?
> 3. If one moves the first fatha of /qaala/ to the left, away from the qaf,
> does that change the meaning of fatha?

Those don't need a scholar, the answers are so obvious.
But anyway, I will go ask an Arabic scholar from College of Arabic Language,
Al-Azhar University and return to you.

Mohammed Yousif