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first 8 xfonts packages available


I have created the first 8 xfonts packages...

Unfortunatly Bitstream disallow the Distribution of Cyberbas.ttf, 
Cyberbit.ttf and Cybercjk.ttf...

The Apt repository is:

deb     http://www.khajatfamilie.net/debian compile main non-free
deb-src http://www.khajatfamilie.net/debian compile main non-free

Please note, that the Debian policy does not permit a package to 
change the configuration of an other package. I have filed arready 
a Bug against xserver-xfree86 because of the missing "FontPath" 
entry "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType" which must curently set by hand.

Realy nice to see new fonts in fvwm 2.5.10, openoffice and other 
applications  :-)


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