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Re: Synaptic graphical installer looking for help

Hello Jean-Michel:

The best way to change the locale on Debian system is the following:

1. launch a terminal and run the following as root:

dpkg-reconfigure locales

2. Choose an arabic locale from the list:

ar_xx (Any ar_xx would do)

3. log out of X (assuming you are using gdm) choose the arabic locale from the "language" list and log back into GNOME... tada.. you should be in Arabic environment.

There are other mo conulted ways... but this is the way all uses will do it so you better test it this way.

Unfortunately, i do not have any time to translation... lots of things on the TODO list already. I am sure somebody will help. If nothing happens, I will translate a few strings for you to test with.

Salam (peace in Arabic)


Jean-Michel POURE wrote:
Dear all,

The Synaptic project, the graphical frontend to Debian and RPM packages is looking for help. For information about Synaptic, visit:


The developer to contact and help is Sebastian Heinlein <liste at pimpzkru dot de> from Germany. Sebastian needs to:

- Set-up his Debian station under an Arabic locale.
- Test RTL display using a few translated entries.

The .pot file can be donwloaded from

Hoping there will soon be a graphical installer in Arabic...

Best regards,
Jean-Michel Pouré

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