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Re: I've discovered a way to show arabic windows file names in gtk2 applications (KDE ALSO)

Mohammed Sameer wrote:

My Inbox Happily Received This From Mohamed Aser @ Wed, 20 Nov 2002 00:12:49 -0500

Hash: SHA1

عظيم جداً , لقد حللت واحده من أهم مشاكل لينكس العربي :-))))
لقد جربت الطريقة وعملت مع نوتيلوس
ولكن طالما ان المشكلة ليست من الكرنل فبالتأكيد هناك طريقة مشابهه لبرامج كيدي مثل كونكيورر , أتمنى أن نكتشفه سريعاً

I really can't say more than "Thank God" Here is a screenshot of konqueror showing Arabic windows file names $ export LC_ALL=UTF-8 and use the mount command as: mount -t auto /dev/hdxy /mnt/foo -oiocharset=utf8 IT REALLY WORKS

All the stuff is in "qtextcodec.cpp"
It searches for the list of encodings as follow:
I can't say more than that as an explanation because i don't understand Qt internals


I am sad, It didn't work for me, please are you sure for the steps?

I am using KDE 3.0.4 on mandrake 9