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Re: Basics

On Wed, Aug 14, 2002 at 09:06:17PM +0300, ec4141 at cyberia dot net dot lb wrote:

> Gentlemen,

> Let me introduce myself: My name is Emile Khouri. I started, back in 1978 

Ahlan, Mr. Khouri ;)

> [..]
> I would very much like to participate in this effort. I think I qualify as 

That is great! Welcome aboard ;)

> what many call people guru. I have never stopped thinking about how 
> best to make such a project work. I certainly hope to share these thoughts 
> with whoever cares to implement them under the OSF concept.

This would be the appropriate place to put forward your ideas and thoughts.

> This said, I have several questions :

> 1- Where on earth is ?? arabeye ?? located. The US, Saudi, Beirut, Sudan ?

The Arabeyes.org server is physically in Texas, US. But, obviously most of
those involved are all over the world ;)

> 2- How is it organized: Meaning how do people take a decision about 
>    HOW a program is written. I am referring to certain standards that 
>    need to be formulated and published.

There are no set programming standards. I contemplated that idea a very long
time ago, but didn't seem to be a pressing priority. You are welcome to
propose one. 

> 3- How can one interface with this central planning body of people ?

The 'planning body' of Arabeyes is the Core team, which includes the following
individuals: Isam Bayazidi [Jordan], Nadim Shaikli [CA, US], 
Chahine Hamila [somewhere between Europe and Africa], and myself [TX, US].
But unless you have a reason not to want a discussion to be public, this list
is the place to post to.

> I now live in Beirut, Lebanon. I will appreciate setting up a mechanism 
> for communications on this subject.

You already started using it ;)

Hope to hear soon from you!
| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
|                      |  http://www.arabeyes.org/    |
| Arabeyes Project     | Homepage:                    |
| Unix the 'right' way |  http://fakkir.net/~elzubeir/|
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