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Re: Arabic issues in GNU Freefont


Here is a catalog of differences between the arabeyes Arab font and
FreeSerif in the Arabic ranges.

Freesans missing
        0640    tatweel (inserted to stretch characters)
        064C    dammatan (a combining form)
        0652    sunkun  (a combining form)
        066d    arabicfivepointedstar

        from Presentation forms A
        FE80    hamzaisolated
        FE82    alefwithmaddaabovefinal
        FE83    alefwithmaddaaboveisolated
        FE84    alefwithhamzaabovefinal
        FE85    wawwithhamzaaboveisolated
        FE86    wawwithhamzaabovefinal
        FE87    alefwithhamzabelowisolated
        FE88    alefwithhamzabelowfinal
        FE89    yehwithhamzaaboveisolated
        FE8A    yehwithhamzaabovefinal
        FE8B    yehwithhamzaaboveinitial

        FE93    tehmarbutaisolated
        FE94    tehmarbutafinal

        FEC2    tahfinal
        FEC3    tahinitial
        FEC4    tahmedial

        FEC6    zahfinal
        FEC7    zahinitial
        FEC8    zahmedial

        FEF0    alefmaksurafinal
        FEF1    yehisolated
        FEF2    yehfinal
        FEF3    yehinitial
        FEF4    yehmedial
        FEF5    lamwithalefmaddaaboveisolated
        FEF6    lamwithalefmaddaabovefinal
        FEF7    lamwithalefhamzaaboveisolated
        FEF8    lamwithalefhamzaabovefinal
        FEF9    lamwithalefhamzabelowisolated
        FEFA    lamwithalefhamzabelowfinal

        from Presentation forms A
        FD3E    ornateleftparenthesis
        FD3F    ornaterightparenthesis
        FDF2    allahisolated   (done as ligature in FreeSerif)

FreeSerif has that ae_Arabic doesn't
        067E    peharabic       (in Persian, Urdu)
        0686    tcheharabic     (in Persian, Urdu)
        0698    jeharabic       (in Persian, Urdu)
        06AF    gafarabic       (in Persian, Urdu)
        06CC    [farsi yeh]     (in Arabic, Persian, Urdu: like alef massura)

        some punctuation in Presentation forms A
        FE70    [fathatan isolated]
        FE74    [kasratan isolated]
        FE76    [fatha isolated]
        FE78    [damma isolated]
        FE7A    [kasra isolated]
        FE7C    [shadda isolated]