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Re: Translation of Firefox 3.0

On Thu, Sep 27, 2007 at 01:45:45AM +0300, Ayman Hourieh wrote:
> Contributors, please keep in mind that:
> * Mozilla hasn't announced any deadlines yet, but I think we have
> enough time. I will post deadlines as soon as they are announced at
> the dev-l10n list:
> https://lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-l10n
> * The priority of browser/chrome/help is very low. We can ship an
> official release without it, so leave it until we are done with
> everything else.
> * I used a PO compendium while migrating the files from 2.0. However,
> it's still a good idea to use the translation memory feature found in
> many PO editors. Sometimes msgids change, files get renamed, strings
> change slightly ... etc.
> * A string consisting of a single character is either a command key
> (ctrl+key) or an accelerator key (alt+key). You can tell one from the
> other by looking at the msgid or comment of the string. Command keys
> must NOT be translated; leave them as they are. On the other hand,
> accelerator keys must be translated. Try to select a character that
> already exists in the corresponding string, and try to avoid
> generating conflicts. For example, choose ط as the accelerator of
> اطبع. I know this is common sense for most of us, but new contributors
> to the Mozilla project often wonder why there are single-letter
> strings.
Interesting information, would be nice if we've this some where in the wiki.

I'm sorry, I won't be able to contribute currently, but I hope I can
join you later ISA.

Keep on good work!


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