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Re: Some Translation issues we discussed.

لا مانع عندي و سوف أدخِلها في قاموسي glossary.po و لا يوجد أي خلاف ، الشباب يحبون المبارزة بلكلام كما في زمان المعلقات ( على أيام فرسان الغة ) و هذه صفة من أحسن صفات العرب.... اليس كذالك يا شباب ؟ فلنتابع .... ما هي الكلمة اللتي تريدون الآن المبارزة الشعرية عليها ؟

Saad, no offence, my intention was never to do "moubaraza", I'm just
trying to help out. I'm really sorry you feel that way, but I assure
you it was never my intension. I highly value all of your
contributions and translations, they are very good and I'm very proud
to be working with you, and you're an important asset to arabeyes.
However, in order to achieve best quality, I suppose we can sometimes
discuss terms, no?
