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Re: Translation project

في خميس 09 فبراير 2006 23:01, كتب ahnaqsh:
> Hey!
> I can dedicate about 5 hours  aweek, too, but not more, unfortuantely.
> I think we should go with docbook, although i've never used it, but it's
> really good for working on books, i hear, and can be made into many
> formats later without trouble. I don't know whether this is also true of
> xhtml, what do you think?
> We should discuss terms before we begin...Byt the way, where is the
> already translated LPI 1 Book? perhaps we can reuse it's terms. I'm new
> here, by the way, so please go easy on me.
السلام عليكم
I use www.arabization.org.ma/Dictionnaire.asp and the (printed) unified 
dictionary of computer science terms. If it (rarely) lacks terms, I use 
qamoose.arabeyes.org and www.answers.com/<term> .

By the way, "shell" in Arabic is  برنامج وسيطي

I write the name of a program in Arabic and with the english term. If the term 
is used too much time, I stick only with the Arabic term. For example: 
البرنامج الوسيطي "باش" Bash: