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في ثلاثاء 22 أغسطس 2006 03:40, كتب Mohamed Magdy:
> Please before you get to the translation of automatic as "تلقائى " and
> trying to steal the translation ... just leave "تلقائى" for "automatic" ...
usually auto mean something like "self" or "reflecting on self"
consider for exemple these
automobile =moving by itself
autonome (more french) = acting by itself
autoflagellation = something like punishing oneself
autogram = self signature 
> Why don't we make a new Arabic word for default ?
في رأيي انا  ان اللغة العربية من أغنى اللغات في العالم
> We agreed that the long meaning or definition would be
> القيمة المختارة فى حالة غياب تفاعل المستخدم
> it is very long .. if we trim it it will look like
> قمحغتم
> ق for القيمة
> م for المختارة
> and so on
> I'm already thinking of something like that for other words
> for example "password" would be "كلمرو" abbreviated from "كلمة مرور"
> and "email" would be "بريدا" from "بريد إلكترونى" .... I'm not telling you
> that to use it.. It is just a plain memory dump ...and a thought .......
in my opinion dangerous ! may be misleading in many cases
> Afief Halumi <afief dot h at gmail dot com> wrote: i am sure we are breaking some kind
> of dependency tree here....
> isn't تلقائي==automatic?
yes, as far as teher is no better translation yet
> and actually default means failure(as i mentioned in another email) but the
the word means also  defectuous (french defaut )
> problem here is not high level semantics, it's a problem of associated
> meanings and the ease of use. if someone sugests using a word over 10
> letters for any of the common words like "default" "OK" or "ignore" i want
> his adress so i can shot him :P Arabic is a rich language,
yes very rich
> but with 
> richness comes complexity, and today's avarage joe person hates
> complexity(average joe also isn't a geek and doesn't use linux by default)
> Afief

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