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Re: unified dictionary

Le Jeudi 20 Octobre 2005 20:06, Nadim Shaikli a écrit :
> --- Chahibi Youssef <chahibi at gmail dot com> wrote:
> > I have sent a request to مكتب تنسيق التعريب . I also
> > asked them if we, Arabeyes, can collaborate with them by discussing
> > the new terms and arabization issues.
> That would be wonderful.

Of course !
> > I am now still waiting for the reply. By the way, during my
> > vacations, I went to Rabat to this organization because the
> > Director gave me a free copy of the unified dictionary of computer
> > science terms.
> Do they have a soft copy, or can one be attained ?  In other words,
> can we see this data beyond getting a hold of the book - anyone working
> on entering this info into a database or something ?  Are the people
> that created the book interested in doing that to further along a
> unified approach ?
> Salam.
>  - Nadim

They have a soft copy online in www.arabization.org.ma/Dictionnaire.asp, I 
said in a previous post that this website is buggy and can only be displayed 
in Konqueror and IE as far as I know.
In my last email to the BCA, I said that Arabeyes would like to join your 
efforts by providing them with new terms that have no arabic equivalents and 
by discussing arabization issues. Thus, I can't answer you question before 
receiving the bureau's reply ;) .
When I went there, I felt that they were active. They also have a magazine. 
So, we may expect that إن شاء الله they will accept our collaboration, in 
addition to the fact that the director was very nice in his last email.
Also, in the second page of the dictionary, there is written:
جميع حقوق النشر و الطبع محفوظة للمنظمة العربية التربية و الثقافة و العلوم.
So, حقوق النسخ  ( copy rights ) are not protected. But the question is if 
publishing the information in a website is نشر or نسخ ? 
Anyway, إن شاء الله, after receiving a reply, I will talk about this point.
Also, I'd like to know if there is a possibility to have ( or to make ) a live 
cd that exhibits Arabeyes recent status of arabization.

Thank you !