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Re: More on Fedora dist.po

--- Abdulaziz Al-Arfaj <alarfaj0 at yahoo dot com> wrote:
> Salam, Ossama,


> I see you have committed the dist.po file. Have you
> made any changes? Do you plan to make any more
> changes?

Actually, I thought you were busy and couldn't complete it, as I understood
from you last email. So, I though it's better to finish up this beast :)

> If not, then I'll download it, because I plan
> to really really REALLY crack down on that file
> tomorrow.

Would be great. I've made some changes and committed. I'll do some more for
consistensy and tell you when I finish.

> However if you do have some clever plan on how we can
> speed up work on this file, then I will leave it in
> your hands for the time being. In that case Youcef
> should assign me something else to work on in the
> meantime...

I was just trying to clean up the fedora translation .POs so we can begin with
a good rough translation.. it really helped.

I'm unable to thank you more for the support and continues great work ;)

Ossama Khayat

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