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Re: debian vim (was - common words...)

Nadim Shaikli wrote:
--- Kamal Dalal <kamal at banoora dot net> wrote:

Nadim Shaikli wrote:

2. Why is debian's vim package (vim-6.2-149+1.deb) without Arabic
   support (we need to correct this ASAP).

Are you sure that vim-6.2-149+1.deb does not have arabic support ? What does locale say ?

Hehe - yup, I'm pretty positive :-)  The ':version' command
notes "-arabic" (vs. "+arabic") and if I invoke it with
'vim -A file' I get,

"E800: Arabic cannot be used: Not enabled at compile time"

For the record, I have an arabic enabled vim-6.2-154+1 (Debian unstable), LC_*=en_US.UTF8 and can edit arabic files under mlterm
just fine.

Ah, cool then - we're using "testing" but it is good to see
that it is coming :-)  Wonderful.

Not quite. I did some digging myself and found :


Which indicates that 1:6.2-181+1 was not compiled with Hebrew support. Looks like arabic/hebrew support comes and goes.

Nadim, you may want to file a bug for vim-6.2-149+1 as well.


- Nadim