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Re: porting my book to sgml

On Mon, Dec 29, 2003 at 11:30:05PM -0800, Moayyad Al-Sadi wrote:
> please ppl help me to do that
> i need this things
> 1) a template having tables(with a row span and col
> span) ,images, ltr inside rtl in html i used
> <span dir=ltr> or? <code dir=ltr> and I need to set
> encoding to a value 
> and set document overall direction
> 2) a windows utf8 text editor fit on 1 floppy
> ---


I apologize for the belated response. Better late than never.

Converting your book to SGML is not without problems. There are some
DocBook directional tags, but they seem to be place-holders and do
nothing at all. At least, nothing when converted to HTML. 

There is one document that does make use of tables, which is the
mdkarabicsupport.en.sgml document (doc/distros/). You may want to look
into that. However, for a generic template using Arabic, you may want to
have a look at the Arabic HOWTO (Arabic version):

Currently, converting documents to HTML formats involves running an
additional script to set the correct directional tags. We do this for
our documents on Arabeyes, and I would expect to be doing the same for
yours. It would be a good idea to set some comments for our awk script
to go through it and set the correct directional tags if we are to have
tags per table/paragraph, etc.

Also, converting SGML Docbook documents to PDF (when are in Arabic) are
not possible. At the very least, I have been unable to successfully do
so. It seems to be somethig requiring attaching the fonts to the PDF
(resulting in a larger PDF, but at least a guranteed to work one).

As far as your Windows/Linux problem, I am afraid I am unable to help
you with it. I know "yudit" works under Windows and is a UTF-8 editor. I
am not sure how well it would work for you. I always would recommend
that you do all your work under Linux so we can help you when you have a
technical issue. For instance, I only run Linux on my system and so am
almost completely detached from the Windows world.

P.S. I hope this helped further confuse you ;) [or help?]

| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
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