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Re: Evolution-data-server

--- Abdulaziz Al-Arfaj <alarfaj0 at yahoo dot com> wrote:
> 1. It can be hard to translate sentences in the
> present perfect tense, as they make no sense in
> Arabic. An example is:"Using email address...". Any
> advice?

You can translate it as is (IMHO), i.e. استخدام عنوان البريد


> 3. Its been a custom to translate Invalid as "غير
> صحيح". However I thought that "غير نظامي"
> just clicks better. What do you think?

غير صالح

>  4. I remember I read somewhere on the site that
> library names and certain program names are neither
> translated nor transliterated. What should I do with
> "gconf"? I assume nothing needs to be done.

Yes, just leave them AS IS.

> 5. Normally I would translate Pager as "النداء
> الآلي". However in the evolution.po file
> translated by Mr. Khayyat, its translated as
> "بيبر", which I thought wasn't bad. So for the
> sake of consistency I went with that.

I really don't remember using that term, and I couldn't back track the changes
on evolution.po since the file was move to a different location. Anyway, this
work is used in at least two ways:
- A pager, that organizes output into pages, and that would be مُصفّح
- A pager, that pages (calls, beeps) someone/something, and that would be
جهاز النّداء I think, as النّداء الآلي would be suitable
for Paging instead of Pager.

> 6. A TTY, as I have only just learned, is a telephone
> for the deaf. I had no idea how to translate it so I
> got this straight from Al-Mawrid: "المُبرِقة
> الكاتبة". Is it ok?

If this comes alone, maybe it's better to leave it as is. Can't remember a
translation of that anyway ;) Sorry.

> 7. Transliterated Groupwise as "كروب-وايز".
> Any better suggestions?

How about برامج المجموعة or برامج التّواصل as
described by Onelook.com?

> 8. This is thorny! I didn't know how to translate
> title (as in Mr. Miss. Mrs. Dr. etc...) so, I used the
> old faithful Laqab.

Do you mean "title" itself, or Mr. Miss. etc..?

> 9. I _highly_ recommend that we adopt "صيغة" as
> the official translation of the word format (the noun,
> not the verb). Its meaning is very self-evident.

Could be, but wouldn't نَسَق be better?

> 10. "20th". Should it be "عشرون" or "عشرين"?
> I went with the second but are there any guidelines?

العشرون ;)

>  11. I've finally come up with a good translation for
> the word "already". Its "سَبْقاً". What do you
> think?

Do you mean مُسبقاً?

> 12. This is the most important of all, as its stalling
> any further translation. Does anyone have any
> translation for argument? As in argument to a
> function? I'm pretty sure they taught us what it was
> in high school in math class, as math functions have
> arguments too. I just can't remember what it was.
> Anyone who does?

I'm using مُعطى and مُعطيات for plural, as it's information you
pass to a function.

> Well, if you've managed to read the whole list without
> throwing yourself out the window, congratulations. You
> have the patience of Ayyoub (PUH). I would highly
> appreciate any input from anyone. Salam.

Hehe. Sorry for the later answer anyway :)

Ossama Khayat

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