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Re: kde 3.1

On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 04:05:05PM +0200, Isam Bayazidi wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 November 2002 12:01, Hicham Amaouti wrote:
> > Hi Isam,
> > with the KDE release of 3.1, can you please create a branch on cvs so we
> > can continue the translation of files and not bother with new ones?
> Salam Hicham ..
>   Well the translation files that we are working on now are the KDE 3.1 
> files.. and we will stay with this branch until at lest next April .. As KDE 
> 3.2 is planned for next June/July ..
>   No need to branch now as not all translators knows how to work with branches 
> in CVS. So what we will do ( as we did with KDE 3.0.x and KDE 3.1 
> translation) is to stay with one branch until the KDE-i18n coordinators says 
> it is a good time to make a move .. no need to go through the mess or 
> branches ..
> This is my opinion.. and for sure it is open for discussion ..


While I used to agree to the minimum options when it comes to the translation,
I think we have a big enough base to be able to branch on the cvs. I do
recommend that we have branches, but specifically request for translators to
work on one branch or the other (the branches are there, but the option on
what to work on is only up to the coordinator).

I don't think adding an extra argument to the cvs command will kill anyone ;)

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