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putty can shape now..

hello, mr. musab...

well, i think i have reached a solution for your first problem...
which is, u want to give ExtTextOut a string, and it draws it, without shaping, or ReOrdering...
now here is what i found out...

when u call ExtTextOut with the flag ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, the input string lpString, is not a
Unicode string oran ASCII string, its an INDEX string, that means (from what i understand) that
lpString is a Double-Byte string of Glyph indices relative to the current selected font in the given
display context...
How to Convert to the magik Index string..?? --> GetCharacterPlacement()...
GetCharacterPlacement takes a Single-Byte string, and returns a Double-Byte String of Indices

now to give GetCharacterPlacement a single-byte string containing arabic chars, you have
to convert from wide charecter (usually U+0637) to CP-1256 which is windows code page
for arabic (see Arabeyes' resources page) for example... 0x0627 => 0xc7
someone from the senior Arabeyes members, should be able to help with this easily...

and most important, in the PuTTY Configuration Dialog, goto Window/ Appearance---
choose a font and choose Arabic script (to turn the font's Code Page to arabic)...

well, enough said... here is my code changes...

at the end of the do_text() function there is a comment that says /* And 'normal' unicode characters */

look for the following ExtTextOut(), and add this before it...


		char buff1[1024];
		char buff2[1024];
		char buff4[1024];
		ZeroMemory(buff1, 1020);
		ZeroMemory(buff2, 1020);
		ZeroMemory(buff4, 1020);

			int ak;
			for(ak=0; ak < 1020; ak++)
				buff4[ak] = GCPCLASS_NEUTRAL;

		ZeroMemory(&gcpr, sizeof(gcpr));
		gcpr.lStructSize = sizeof(gcpr);
		gcpr.lpGlyphs = buff1;
		gcpr.lpOutString = buff2;
		gcpr.lpClass = buff4;
		gcpr.nGlyphs = 1020;

// this is a static array i wrote, to show you what charecters should be used...
char temp1[] = { 0xd8, 0xda, 0xd9, 0xc7, 0xda, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xd9, 0x0};
GetCharacterPlacement(hdc, temp1, 8, 0, &gcpr, FLI_MASK | GCP_CLASSIN)
// GetCharacterPlacement() parses temp1 according to gcpr.lpClass
// and returns the Glyph Index in gcpr.lpGlyph...

ExtTextOut(hdc, x,
y - font_height * (lattr == LATTR_BOT) + text_adjust,
ETO_GLYPH_INDEX | ETO_CLIPPED | ETO_OPAQUE, &line_box, buff1, 8, IpDx);
// the lpString used here is buff1, which is gcpr.lpGlyph...


well... try it and tell me how it went...

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