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Re: Nadim's shaping code in C

--- Muhammad Alkarouri <karouri at uofk dot edu> wrote:
> In a RedHat 8 console, in unicode mode, I am able to display an arabic
> file, but arabic characters are displayed from left to right and not
> shaped. If I passed that to fribidi, I get it BiDi, but no shaping.
> Now if I use Nadim code (in perl or the C port) I get all arabic
> characters displayed as squares, both if shaping before or after
> fribidi-ing. Somebody tell me what is wrong?

You are doing the right thing - shaping after bidi works fine.

Sounds like your problem is font related.  Sounds like the font
you are using does not contain any Form-B glyphs and that is why
you are seeing empty boxes.  Grab the 10x20 on the khoto page and
give it another try - it ought to work (for details on how to setup
the font, etc - read the README file on Arabeyes' vim project page).


 - Nadim

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