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Re: Harakat is broken in Qt

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On Monday 04 August 2003 10:08 am, Mohammed Yousif wrote:
>  Salam,
>   I see that harakat is almost totally broken in Qt and from the party
>   log, I see that the issue is making a lot of confusion so I wanted to
>   clear things up.
>   + Firstly, as a rule, a letter can have ONLY ONE haraka, thus if there
>      is a haraka above the letter, then no other haraka can be below or
>      above it and vice versa. Tanween is considered a SINGLE haraka in both
>      Arabic and Uincode speak and it should be STORED that way, as
>      a SINGLE haraka (064B, 064C and 064D). If I want Tanween
>      I HAVE to type Tanween not type a haraka two times.
>   + Secondly, as an exception (well, not really an exception but rather
>      a-not-so-clear rule), shadda is NOT considered a haraka in its own
>      but it HAS to be used with another haraka or else it's not correct
>      Arabic
Who said so. More to come...

>      and it's ALWAYS ABOVE the letter, Shadda means to extend
>      the haraka voice (as in Mohammed, why I put two m's? simply
>      because there is a shadda on the m and when I transliterated it,
>      I added another m to give a good approximation to the actual
>      voice "should be read Moham-med, think of them as separated
>      words").
>      So, if I typed a shadda then a fatha, I expect to see the letter in
>      this order from below to above:
>        1- the letter itself
>        2- the shadda
>        3- the fatha
>      (Qt unfortunately doesn't follow this order and when you type a
>       complete word, bom, the haraka disappears and only the shadda
>       is shown)
I think this depends on the font chosen and the application. Odd things happen
here. kedit which is built on Qt with kacstqr font works perfectly with me.

>     What if I typed a fatha then a shadda?
>     It doesn't matter, a fatha is always _above_ the shadda.
>     What if I typed a kasra then a shadda or vice versa?
>     Still doesn't matter, a fatha is always _below_ the shadda.
TYPO: a kasra is always _below_ the shadda.

>     (Think of the shadda as a new little letter above the actual letter)
>     So to summarize the shadda thing:
>       * A Shadda is always above the letter.
>       * Any haraka is applied to the letter before OR after the shadda
>          is transferred to the shadda, that is, the shadda is now the
>          letter that should have the haraka but above the actual letter.
I don't agree that shadda is now the letter that should have the haraka,
especially in the case of kasra. See the comment below.

>       * Harakat applied to a shadda are: fatha, kasra, damma and tanween
>         but this shouldn't be an issue, Qt may decide to ignore this and
> put any T character above the shadda except kasra and kasratan which should
> be below the shadda.
Not necessarily below the shadda. In case of kasra it could be below the
letter or below the shadda both are correct but may be it's better to be
below the letter as is the case in Holy Quran and as implemented already in

>       * In any arrangement, the shadda is ALWAYS ABOVE the letter even
>         if it has kasra or kasratan applied to it, it should STAY ABOVE the
>         letter.
>       * A shadda without a haraka results in a FAULTY arabic, and this
> should be caught by spellcheckers, however this maybe ignored by the
> shaping engine.
I am not sure from where did you bring this info!! I think if I write Arabic
without harakat it's not considered FAULTY. Also, if I typed some harakat and
left others it's also not FAULTY. Shadda can't stands alone is something new
for me!!

>   + Thirdly, as an exception(real one this time), Quranic Symbols :-)
>       Indeed most of them are transparent(T) and some of those
>       can be put on any letter even if it has a haraka or a shadda
>       with haraka.
>       Here is a complete list of them, with the expected behaviour fitted
>       in to 5 groups:
>        1 Those which should be dealt as as a regular haraka, meaning that
> they follow Rule 1 above and not 2, they may not be used with shadda.
> (Rounded Zero, 0652)
>            (Arabic small high dotless head of khah, 06E1)
>            (Arabic maddah above, 0653)
>            (Arabic rounded high stop with filled centre, 06EC)
>        2 Those which should be put above any letter even if it has a haraka
> or a shadda with haraka, and the order should be determined by the order of
> typing them. So, if I typed a haraka and then one of those, I expect to see
> them in this order from below to above:
>            - the letter
>            - the haraka
>            - the symbol
>            (Arabic small high meem isolated form, 06E2)   (above the
> letter) (Arabic empty centre high stop, 06EB)  (above the letter) (Arabic
> empty centre low stop, 06EB)  (below the letter)
>        3 Those which may be put above any letter even if it has a haraka or
>           a shadda with haraka, and they should be ABOVE both the letter
> and any haraka or shadda with haraka the letter may have regardless of the
> order on which they were typed.
>            (Arabic small high meem initial form, 06D8)
>            (Arabic small high lam alef, 06D9)
>            (Arabic small high jeem, 06DA)
>            (Arabic small high legature sad with lam with alef maksura,
> 06D6) (Arabic small high legature qaf with lam with alef maksura, 06D7)
> (Arabic small high three dots, 06DB)
>        4 Those which should be dealt with as if they were separate letters
>           although they are used above or below the actual letter (like
>           shadda with the exception that some of them are below the letter)
>            (Arabic letter superscript alef, 0670)
>            (Arabic small high yeh, 06E7)
>            (Arabic small high noon, 06E8)
>            (Arabic small high seen, 06DC)
>            (Arabic small low seen, 06E3)
>        5 Those which are, simply, separate letters (those are regular
> letters that can have a haraka or a shadda with haraka or even a Quranic
> Symbol from above)
>            (Arabic small waw, 06E5)
>            (Arabic small yeh, 06E6)
>       Please note that Unicode doesn't have a complete set of Quranic
>       symbols, there are a few missed, and they are listed here:
>          + (Rectangular Zero), group 1
>          + (Arabic small sad initial form), group 1
>          + (Place of Sajdah LINE indicator), group 3 but can be used even
>              if there is a symbol from group three, in which case the line
>              indicator should be ABOVE EVERYTHING ELSE.
>          + (Fathatan Morrakabatan), dealt with the same as fathatan
>          + (dammatan Morrakabatan), dealt with the same as dammatan
>          + (kasratan Morrakabatan), dealt with the same as kasratan
>       I simply can assign them to non-standard places, for example I see
>       that these places are appropriate: (0610 to 0615), as they are T
>       in the Unicode standard.
>   I hope that clears up, please comment so that we can bug Qt about it :-)

- --
  __/    __/          _/  _/  _/
 _/ _\  _/ _\            _/
_/    \ /   _\ unzir    _/ aha

Telecommunications Engineer
Linux Registered User #279362 at http://counter.li.org
CIW Designer, ICDL, MOUS.
New Horizons CLC
Riyadh, SA

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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