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Current katoob status

Here is the current status of katoob:

*Latest stable version: 0.2.1
*Version under development: 0.3.0

Changes from the latest status report:
	Fixed the ability to save in plaint UTF-8 text, ISO8859-6, cp1256 Encodings
	A new preferences dialog
	Limit the recent menu entries
	Limit the size of the Undo history
	Fixed all segfaults when trying to open a file as HTML-style format
	Fixed various segfaults
	Fixed the problem with the emulator warning dialog
	Optimization for the emulator code "Thanks Alaa"
	Enhancements for the encoding menu
	Fixed the error when saving empty files
	Katoob doesn't display an error when the configuration file is not found
	Open multiple files from the command line
	Katoob uses the tunable glibc malloc() when configured with --enable-debug to detect any heap problems.
	--enable-debug defines g_malloc() as malloc(), g_free() as free() and includes stdlib.h

Features to be implemented before the next stable version:
	The segfault when opening any UCS-2 encoded file as HTML-style format
	Waiting for the polish translation

You can get the latest cutting-edge version from Arabeyes.org CVS
For the latest stable version, Please visit http://www.arabeyes.org/project.php?proj=Katoob
Feel free to suggest any features you like here or on the Arabeyes Developer mailing list or emailing my personally

-- Katoob Main Developer "http://www.arabeyes.org/project.php?proj=Katoob";
Linux registered user # 224950
ICQ # 58475622
With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibilities.

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