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Mohammed, I tried to modify the CVS HOWTO document, but got royally
confused on where to do it and what generated what, etc (I simply
haven't dabbled in this area before and so was confused).  In any
regard, the following needs to be done.

We need to add info about anonymous CVS access (ie. 'anoncvs'),
we've gotten a few questions on this on the lists before and I get
'em often on IRC as people don't see any mention of how to do it.
So I suggest we change the current CVS HOWTO outline to something
similar to (note the addition of anonymous sub-section),

  1. Introduction

  2. CVS Access

      2.1.   Anonymous Access
      2.2.   Commit Access
      2.2.1. Requesting Commit Accounts
      2.2.2. Logging In
      2.2.3. Checking out (downloading)
      2.2.4. Committing Changes (uploading)
      2.2.5. Updating your copy

  3. CVS Guidelines

      3.1. New Directories
      3.2. Commit Logs
      3.3. Committing Multiple Files
      3.4. Importing a New Project
      3.5. Acceptable Files on CVS

I realize that there is a statement that says "For anonymous access
replace the username with anoncvs...", but I guess that is not registering
with people (ie. keep in mind most are newbies and need to simply
cut-n-paste their way into action).

I would also remove the word 'developer' from the document and replace
it with 'commit-access' (or similar) so as not to confuse the matter
with Arabeyes' inherent "developer" and "translator" distinction.


 - Nadim

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