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Resignation from Core


It is with great pain and regret that I feel I must offer my resignation
to the Arabeyes project. When Arabeyes was founded, it was
fun and we were all full of energy and enthusiasm. I no longer feel
enthusiastic and I most certainly don't derive any fun out of it. If anything,
it has become a burden that I no longer want to carry.

The Arabeyes project is moving faster away from the vision I have for the
project. I seem to be unable to influence this direction in the way that
I would like and do not wish to be a part of it as it drifts further

I see Arabeyes moving away from the "Arabic support" to "Arab support". What
this means is, instead of being so focused on supporting the language, we
should be moving toward developing technical skills by utilizing the
potential of the community at hand. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening.
Back in a Feb. 14, 2003 meeting, we discussed a proposal I made in January
of that year. Most of the points of my proposal were 'liked', but future
discussions were postponed indefinitely.

In addition to that, the roles and definitions of what Core is all about
seems to be in conflict with the perceptions core members themselves have.
Some believe it is an overall managerial group whereas others believe it is
group that should be very involved in every project (when viewed it is
needed). It is not unusual for people to disagree, but this is negatively
affecting the way by which the Core group is operating.

It has been great working with the many very talented people who have
joined the project. It has benefited me technically and personally on many
levels. I will continue to perform the tasks I am responsible for until
a smooth hand-over is completed. I estimate this to take no more than
a few weeks.

| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
|                      |  http://www.arabeyes.org/    |
| Arabeyes Project     | Homepage:                    |
| Unix the 'right' way |  http://elzubeir.fakkir.net/ |

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