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Subversion available

On Mon, Dec 25, 2006, Mohammed Adnčne Trojette wrote:
> More to come this evening, inshallah.


Switch was done. Appearently, everything has gone correctly.

Please, if you notice any problem, contact me in private or on IRC
#arabeyes on irc.freenode.net.

Repositories are now available from:

we have 8 repositories:


Your old passwords should work out of the box.

SVN tiny howto

To checkout : svn co
To update   : svn up
To mkdir    : svn mkdir
To remove   : svn rm (also works with directories)
To commit   : svn ci

Please also refer to the SvnBook (<http://svnbook.red-bean.com/>).

Access to CVS

For those who need an access to the old CVS to make a patch, please
contact me, but you can also create your patch using a fresh svn
checkout and 'diff -ur'.


* check that everything works well
   + commit accesses
   + anonymous read access
   + check with Nadim private repositories
   + check with Nadim svn log mailing
* terminate the configuration of our Trac instances
(see <https://trac.arabeyes.org/>)
   + make authentication work
   + add access to people allowed to report bugs, add milestones, ...
* write a little howto for Arabeyes admins.
   + how to add a new SVN account
   + how to add a new SVN project
   + how to configure SVN logs emailing
   + what's more?

Technical details

What I did was :
cvs2svn -s NEWREPO --trunk-only OLDREPO
(I did it on a copy of our CVS)

In every repository:
for i in `ls trunk`;do svn mv trunk/$i .;done && svn rm trunk && svn ci

And I installed Trac instances for public repositories.

I encountered a little problem in KDE translation project because of the
existence of .svn repositories. So I removed them from CVS and repeated
the conversion.

I "stole" post-commit hooks from the VideoLAN project for emailing svn

Mohammed Adnčne Trojette