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Re: [general] اجتماع عربآيز

في ج، 30-03-2012 عند 10:05 +0000 ، كتب Khalil Honsali:
> Salaam,
> I am from Morocco, registered in the list as a follower. 
> As for this time's meeting, I confirm that I do not attend due to time
> frame + visibility.

What do you mean by visibility? And do you have an idea of a better

> Just FYI, I have problems writing in arabic with gnome (3.2?) on
> fedora 16 reported here on bugzilla. 

Why are you using ibus to begin with?

Your problem is that you are using Arabic with an input method, and
English without one. And the shortcut you're using is to switch input
method, not to deactivate it, so you need control-space to deactivate
the input method, and write in English.

But fundamentally, Arabic doesn't need an input method: just set an
Arabic keyboard layout in the regional settings and use that.
