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Re: Quran font release

Meor Ridzuan Meor Yahaya a écrit :
> Assalamualaikum,
وعليكم السلام
> Since the first announcement did not catch much attention, I'll post
> it again.
> I've released my font that are capable to render the Quran as per
> Madinah Mushaf. You can get the details here
> http://arabicfonts.wikispaces.com/ . Please try it and give some
> feedback to it. If someone would further develop it, I welcome the
> help.
> Regards.
I have tested the font with katoob/gedit, OpenOffice.org and firefox on
Debian. Here are my comments :
* There is not enough line spacing: in katoob/gedit, the tops and
bottoms of most letters overlap. In Fx, only diacritics overlap. In OO.o
however, It's clean. :-)
* The diacritics are not always on the correct letter (this doesn't
happen with Fx)
* Some spacing doesn't seem correct to me, for instance the space after
ra' especially  را
the spaces are very small, but I don't think it's a problem