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Re: Sorry for the delay & my plan

--- Ayman Hourieh <aymanh at gmail dot com> wrote:
> For Gnome, I couldn't connect to Jabber, even after trying 6 clients
> with almost every possible setting, as for IRC, thanks to Abdulaziz,
> I've got a shell account that allows IRC, I'll contact Nadim and try
> to get it to work.

Feel free - I can talk to Abdulaziz in private on what needs to happen,
but it would be best if we can all be near a computer at about the
same time to try various options out (in case of problems).  Try to
set something up with Abdulaziz (via email) and we'll go from there.

BTW: Samy Al-Bahra had noted (on IRC) that he might be willing
     to help out all those behind evil proxies that are doing
     actual work and contributing to Arabeyes (on a need basis).

> For Mozilla, I'll try to continue contacting the translate tools devs,
> there is also a tool that may help in fixing the issues we have with
> converting .po's back to Mozilla formats, if we can't get the problems
> solved in 2-3 days, I'll just copy the strings over manually, so we
> can start testing the translation next week.

Please do, missing this important deadline with debian doesn't even
seem like an option ;-)

> I'll also import Thunderbird strings and start working on them, but
> first I need to know whether to keep using .po's or switch back to
> Mozilla formats.

As far as Arabeyes is concerned, always keep things as .PO/.POT and
it would be best to document all your steps (in a README file) of
how to get to .PO and how to revert back.

Hope that helps & Salam.

 - Nadim

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