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Re: problem with qtquran

في Saturday 13 November 2004 20:31, كتب Sultan:
> Asalam alikom..
> I have tried to run qtquran it was asking for libspeex-0.99.so even
> thoug I had libseex-1.0.so which is newer. But even I have installed the
> required version I had this problem :
> ./qtquran: error while loading shared libraries:
> /usr/lib/libspeex-0.99.so: ELF file data encoding not little-endian
> I have suse 9.1 personal can any one help to make  it working.

I think you didn't compile qtquran with speex 1.0.
Please make sure you only have speex 1.0 installed and recompile qtquran.

> Also can arabeyes.org keep all required file in thier site so we dont
> have search for them.

What files you mean?
I think all required files are on the downloads page.

Mohammed Yousif