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Re: Arabic OOo Website

--- Nadim Shaikli <shaikli at yahoo dot com> wrote:
> Do please update the Arabeyes project page [1] with the link above.

I'll sure do once it's completely ready.

> I'm not sure if Anmar is still maintaining the project (as we haven't heard
> from him in awhile on this topic (since June) - do please ping him).

OK. CC'ing him.

I checked wiki for .PO sync process (as Elzubeir asked him to write a quick
how-to) but seems it's not done.
Anmar referred to his home page instead but there was no link.


> [1] http://www.arabeyes.org/project.php?proj=OpenOffice
> Salam and keep up the great effort.

Thanks. I hope I will.

Ossama Khayat

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