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Re: weblog!

On Mon, Jun 14, 2004 at 08:40:34PM +0200, Arafat Medini wrote:
> Hi all,
> As you know I was tossing with the idea of a weblog, for many reasons:
> YES cz it's hip!
> but to be more exact, if I want to poast something on the progress of
> Abiword for eg. a mail is ok but a weblog with a nice screen is far
> better.
> You get dev info on the fly, where is translation, thoughts all what I
> was doing here in the mailing lists but more personal better written
> etc...
> So enjoy it:
> http://www.livejournal.com/users/sunway1
> I think we definetely need a planet.arabeyes.org
> take a look at this:
> http://planet.gnome.org
> And you'll see how good it is!

I never replied to any of this planet stuff.. and this weblog stuff.
Here is my take on it -- on word:


Thank you for listening ;)
| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
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