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Re: Quranic Proposal

--- Mete Kural <metekural at yahoo dot com> wrote:
> We are also interested in participating in this joint
> proposal to the Unicode Consortium. We are a group of
> people, not incorporated under any specific
> organization, who have an ongoing project to encode
> the Quran in Unicode. We already have a text with full
> tashkils mimicing the King Fuad mushaf in Unicode.
> Currently we are fixing errors in the encoding. Tom is
> already familiar with our efforts.
> Since we have a substantial interest in this matter as
> well we would like to express our interest in
> participating in a joint proposal to the Unicode
> Consortium for better Quran encoding support.

Mete, again I see no problems here and simply request that
we keep this to a minimal set of people instead of listing
gobs of people's names - would your "group of people" (not
sure how many there are) be OK with using you as their
representative ?

Again, I'm just thinking of keeping this simplistic and not
making it a journal listing of people's names.

PS: Let's get back to the proposal's content to get this
    done ASAP.


 - Nadim

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