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Re: first 8 xfonts packages available

Am 2004-07-12 06:14:57, schrieb Ossama Khayat:
>--- Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle at freenet dot de> wrote:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> #/etc/apt/sources.list
>> deb     http://www.khajatfamilie.net/debian compile main non-free
>> deb-src http://www.khajatfamilie.net/debian compile main non-free
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>make that:
>deb     http://www.khayatfamily.net/debian compile main non-free
>deb-src http://www.khayatfamily.net/debian compile main non-free

It is already changed... since hours :-)

>Ossama Khayat

I have killed your name :-/


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Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
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