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Re: [Debian] arabic iso10646-1 font

On Wed, 2004-07-07 at 05:29, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Good morning Mohammed, 
> Am 2004-07-06 18:22:28, schrieb Mohammed Elzubeir:
> >Yes, "unifont".
> Found some archives of 300 Fonts...
> Curently I try to make Debian-Packages...
> I do not like to install packages by bypassing the Package-System
> Question: Is ArabEyes.org interested on Debian-Packages ?

1. It is Arabeyes.org (no capital E), Arabeyes as in Arabize and not
Eyes of Arabs ;)
2. Absolutely! We would like to have every font tracked by the Khotot
project debianized (some of them are Arabeyes fonts, some aren't). In
either case, we want them all debianized ;)

With regard to unifont, it is an excellent font for terminals and things
that require fixed-width fonts. It is my personal favorite now for use
with mlterm.

[1] http://www.arabeyes.org/project.php?proj=khotot

| Mohammed Elzubeir    | Visit us at:                 |
|                      |  http://www.arabeyes.org/    |
| Arabeyes Project     | Homepage:                    |
| Unix the 'right' way |  http://elzubeir.fakkir.net/ |

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