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Re: Registering as a Non-Profit

Am 2004-12-07 16:36:47, schrieb Nadim Shaikli:

> Germany 3 - Canada nil :-)


> Omar, do please contact the other two folk (Michelle and Arafat) and
> coordinate with them and do please come back collectively with a solid
> unified stance on what needs to be done, who will do what and when will
> all be complete, etc.  Please don't lapse into "oh, someone else will
> take care of this, so many people raised their arms" and lose the level
> of urgency this topic is under.

And we must note, that for the creation of an "eingetragener Verein" 
(e.V. = registered Association) we need MINIMUM 7 People. 

If there is a problem with someone we are running into trouble. 
Same problem in France.

I know a egyptian Linux-Developer which live in Berlin, maybe he
want to join too...

In France there is a possibility with two People, but the Assosiation
has only limited rights and I think it is not acceptable.

> Thanks all (still waiting to hear from someone in .ca).
> Salam.
>  - Nadim


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ 
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