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Re: bugs need info/confirmation

From: Youcef Rabah Rahal <rahal at arabeyes dot org>

Hash: SHA1


On Wednesday 14 April 2004 19:09, Nadim Shaikli wrote:


> > In kspread:
> > Hindi numerals won't be considered numbers. They won't add/subtract/..
> >
> > This is very serious and we need to whether a bug is filed somewhere
> > so we can all vote. What component is responsible of this? Fribidi?


> BTW: I'm not sure if this is an application(s) bug or something the
>      locale needs to be involved in.  In other words, I'm not sure
>      where this intercept and substitution is to happen - you might
>      want to keep that in mind when you bring up the subject with the
>      application authors (or someone in the know).

In recent QT versions there's a class (QLocale) that is supposed to display
digits (Arabic or Hindi) following the locale and uses them in the
'mathematical' way. I suppose that most (all?) KDE apps need to be compiled
with recent QTs (and I guess they will need to be patched a little). But the
needed tools are definitely there.

For apps made with something other than QT (GTK/Pango among others ?!), I
don't know. But Behdad said that such functionality is not present and there
is a serious development need (I guess the functionality won't be there for

my opinion is that this is related to the 2 C functions isdigit() and atoi() or similar.
if this is a QT/KDE bug only and not found in GTK/GNOME then the
implementations of the mentioned functions is not in glibc (thats its name, right ?)
and is probably QT/KDE 's own implementation, and just needs to be augmented
with 0660 and 06F0 (persion) values...


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