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Re: (no subject)

I have the same problem.
First you have to have a CVS client which allow to configure a proxy (not all do), because in Syria you cannot go to internet without using the Proxy.
After that, the firewall of the ISPs in Syria block nearly all the port, so that the reason why you cannot connect to port 2401 (CVS one).

Sourceforge offer a CVS server on port 80 (The port of the web). I tried it and get "HTTP tunneling not permitted". This is not with your ISP, but the other one.
I didn't get further as for the moment I still didn't manage to connect to the other ISP (thank you for the help last time) with Linux, and the hack someone gave me works with Linux.
Hope we can manage to solve this problem.
Armelle Nedelec

Bassem a écrit :
Salam all
My name is Bassem Jarkas, and i live in Syria
I use the internet behind a firewall and proxy
i cant access arabeyes CVS, and this is the msg:

matata at linux:~> export CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs at cvs dot arabeyes dot org:/home/arabeyes/cvs
matata at linux:~> cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:anoncvs at cvs dot arabeyes dot org:2401/home/arabeyes/cvs
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: connect to cvs.arabeyes.org( failed: No route to host

so i change the proxy to proxy.net.sy:3128 (which is the proxy i'm behind)

matata at linux:~> export http_proxy="http://proxy.net.sy:3128";

and then relogin:

matata at linux:~> cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:anoncvs at cvs dot arabeyes dot org:2401/home/arabeyes/cvs
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: connect to cvs.arabeyes.org( failed: No route to host
matata at linux:~>

and the same msg appear

so what do you think.