Salam all
My name is Bassem Jarkas, and i live in Syria
I use the internet behind a firewall and proxy
i cant access arabeyes CVS, and this is the msg:
matata at linux:~> export
CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs at cvs dot arabeyes dot org:/home/arabeyes/cvs
matata at linux:~> cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:anoncvs at cvs dot arabeyes dot org:2401/home/arabeyes/cvs
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: connect to
failed: No route to host
so i change the proxy to (which is the proxy i'm
matata at linux:~> export http_proxy=""
and then relogin:
matata at linux:~> cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:anoncvs at cvs dot arabeyes dot org:2401/home/arabeyes/cvs
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: connect to
failed: No route to host
matata at linux:~>
and the same msg appear
so what do you think.