We've prepared a new release of KACST fonts. This is based on the new upstream fonts[1] minus the 2 math fonts that aren't Unicode fonts (and I actually have no idea how they are supposed to be used), We've also fixed the problem of Alef followed by Fathatan (reported by Muayyad). The font are now available to download from sourceforge[2]. Note: I failed to contact upstream to get our fixes applied, if any one can contact them, please contact me to get this issue fixed. For now, I'm releasing our fork of the fonts. 1. http://ceri.kacst.edu.sa/fonts.htm 2. https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=34866&package_id=282511 -- Khaled Hosny Arabic localizer and member of Arabeyes.org team
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