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Re: Re: Translation: Starting Point

======= At 2006-03-06, 21:39:52 you wrote: =======

>االسلام عليكم
>في إثنين 06 مارس 2006 12:22, كتب Mohammad Halawah:
>> I agree with the solution you provided. I just have an idea the list
>> might find nice. We can list the terms needed an Arabic equivalent.
>> (I am using "equivalent" instead of "translation" coz someone might
>> jump and say this is not CORRECT translation).
>	I think it should be a small english-only dictionary for computer sciences. I 
>suggest to classify the terms by categories, for example: programming, 
>office, internet, games, social, graphical design, multimedia, ... , to make
For our project here we  don't need to go that far - everything here is just in command line environment!
>the equivalent according to the context. The terms also need a short 
>Does anyone already know where we can find a similar list to not waste our 
>time and efforts?
Here is an express list, If you can correct it in accordance with the printed 
http://www.arabization.org.ma/Dictionnaire.asp  you have as I remember  :/

If you don't, I'll take care of it as soon as possible.

>> Then setup a meeting includes Arabic linguistics and computer hackers.
>	This will need a call to all arabic lovers: Please, if you represent , know 
>how to contact, work with, an authority in Arabic, help us get the potential 
>list adopted and certified, and get the help of profesionals, because this is 
>very serious and very crucial.
>> The aim of this committee is to come up with alternatives. Preferably
>> this should be attended by old and young ppl. Old ppl coz they lived
>> both eras (before and after computer boom) and they have some wisdom.
>> Young ppl, because they are the one to use this terms the rest of their
>> lives, and they have fresh ideas.
>> Then next step is to make pools and we all contribute in the process of
>> selecting the "wining" equivalent term.
>> Lastly, our beloved translators use the agreed upon terms.
>Can we start ?

Waiting for your replay about the list.

Best regards, 
- Anas R.

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