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Re: Arabeyes Technical Dictionary

في ثلاثاء 21 مارس 2006 12:38, كتب Mohammed Adnène Trojette:
> Could you please provide some hints on a concrete implementation of this
> project (like organisation, how to start, what to do and in which
> order)? It would be great if Ossama and Nadim (and other of course)
> could give their opinion and viewpoint, as QAC members and experimented
> Arabeyes contributors.
السلام عليكم
Well, we can start with 
http://l10n.openoffice.org/localization/OpenOffice_Glossary.html and 
l10n-status.gnome.org/HEAD/PO/gnome-glossary.HEAD.pot by classifying the 
terms. What do you think ?